Friends in Germany have been asking me about life in Kenya and what is it influencing most. I told them there are many things which not only influencing me but also all people living in rural aereas and even here in a small town.
The roads have no surface like in Germany or in Europe. There are only footpaths with many holes and sometimes one after the other. For cars, motocycles also for pedestrians its difficult to move. When it has been raining these paths have much water and quagmire. Europeans who are wearing different shoes than Kenyans take either their own cars or taxis to move.
- Es hatte regnet und der Taxifahrer musste Slalom fahren
Sometimes a road ends a few meter in front of a road - Manchmal endet ein Weg nur wenige
Meter vor Haeusern
View from a taxi - Sicht vom Taxi aus.