End of July 2011 I arrived at the airport of Mombasa. I have tired as the flight has taken 9 1/2 hours plus a waiting time in Munich of 5 hours. With the taxi I went to a rented holiday lodge where I wanted to stay for 4 weeks. During that time I wanted to find an appartment, by some furniture and make my demand for residence,
Somehow the beginning has been under a bad influence of my faith.
Only one week after my arrival I got a viral infection in my lungs with serious breething problems. I had to be admitted in a hospital at Mombasa where I have been during three weeks.
At the day of discharge I went to the new house which friend of mine had found and rented for me.
After my arrival I have been facing the next surprise. My cash money has been stolen and the thief had disappeared. Have reported it to the police and since the 2nd half of August the police is working on this matter.
Now I have a very nice and loyal house girl.
At the beginning of September I could make my demand for residence and one month later I had the stamps in my passport with the option to extend.